One Piece
One Piece is a manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda and published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since 1997, which tells the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates in search of the One Piece treasure. Check our lists about the series:
One Piece characters
This list is about One Piece characters. Here you can filter the characters by:
All heights of One Piece characters
List of heights of the characters in the One Piece manga. Also check the chart with all the One Piece characters on Clay Stage.
Error requesting data: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 5002 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Nangi 37.6m
Jaki 43.7m
Joki 50.7m
Goki 67.8m
Kuma isn’t completely buccaneer, only partially on his father’s side (his father was half human, half buccaneer).
Also, Ulti and Page One humans? I’m sure they are the same race (onis?) as Kaidō, Yamato or Black Maria.
I’ve been looking for a webpage that used to show ALL characters Heights, not just a few. I recalled it was this page but seems I was wrong. Claystage only shows an image, and Library of Ohara only shows a few. I’m going crazy trying to find the same list. [Sigh…]
Here you have all character heights 🙂
Vegapunk Shaka is the same size as Sanji
Kaido’s dragon form can be 150 meters how long is kaido when he is a dragon
Listfist doesn’t list hybrid or full beast forms of characters
Uta’s 1.69 m tall, by the way XD
I will add her, thanks!!!
Anyone know the height of Chopper in his monster form (after eating 3 rumble balls).
90m apparently
Aren’t a lot of those pictures wrong?
They all look good to me! Can you give me an example of a wrong one?