One Piece
One Piece is a manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda and published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since 1997, which tells the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates in search of the One Piece treasure. Check our lists about the series:
All One Piece super sagas
This list presents all One Piece super sagas, both from manga and anime. In each saga its total duration is presented in chapters and pages, in the case of the manga, and in episodes and minutes, in the case of the anime. The percentage in relation to the series total is also presented for each of the cases. One Piece contains two super sagas, which are the two halves of the story, separated by the 2 year timeskip.
# | Super Saga | Start on Chapter | Total Chapters | Total Pages | Manga % | Start on Episode | Total Episodes | Total Minutes (avg 24) | Anime % |
1 | Sea of Survival: Super Rookies Saga | 1 | 597 | 11,346 | 54.7% | 1 | 516 | 12,384 | 46.0% |
2 | The Final Sea: The New World Saga | 598 | 537 | 9,395 | 45.3% | 517 | 606 | 14,544 | 54.0% |