One Piece
One Piece is a manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda and published in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since 1997, which tells the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates in search of the One Piece treasure. Check our lists about the series:
Lies told by Usopp that somehow came true
This list presents all the lies Usopp told that in a certain way can be considered to have come true. The chapter of each lie is presented as setup, and the chapter when it came true is presented as the payoff. The last columns show the time it took for the payoff to happen in chapters, days and years.
S Ch. | Setup | P Ch. | Payoff | Chapters Later | Days Later | Years Later |
23 | Says that Pirates are attacking the village | 28 | Kuro's army attacks the village | 5 | 35 | 0.1 |
24 | Says he fought a huge goldfish whose poop is as large as a island | 128 | A giant goldfish that has pooped Nanimonai Island appears | 104 | 789 | 2.2 |
24 | Says that he saw a huge mole under Kaya's mansion | 184 | Miss Merry Christmas reveals her Mogu Mogu no Mi | 160 | 1,225 | 3.4 |
24 | Says that there is a Country of Dwarfs | 711 | Dwarves are introduced in Dressrosa | 687 | 5,628 | 15.4 |
24 | Says to be a brave warrior of the sea | 367 | Sogeking is revealed | 343 | 2,681 | 7.3 |
40 | Calls the shop owner an alien | 438 | Space Pirates appear on a Cover Story | 398 | 3,136 | 8.6 |
40 | Pretends chasing a Cerberus | 444 | Actual Cerberus appears in Thriller Bark | 404 | 3,190 | 8.7 |
40 | Pretends chasing a dragon | 655 | Actual Dragon appears in Punk Hazard | 615 | 5,012 | 13.7 |
41 | Usopp mentions a medicine that can cure everything | 1,017 | Miyagi reveals the super recovery drug | 976 | 8,435 | 23.1 |
42 | Says that he is an expert in sniping | 367 | Sogeking is revealed | 325 | 2,548 | 7.0 |
72 | Says that he has 8 thousand followers | 744 | Usopp saves the prisoners in Dressrosa | 672 | 5,565 | 15.2 |
115 | Claimed Luffy's 30M first bounty is his | 435 | Got his first bounty at 30 million Berry | 320 | 2,541 | 7.0 |
133 | Mentions snow monsters on Drum Island | 665 | The Yeti Cool Brothers are introduced | 532 | 4,396 | 12.0 |
458 | Says that a beautiful swordswoman has come with meat | 720 | Rebecca buys meat for Luffy | 262 | 2,289 | 6.3 |