List of Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies by Budget

Marvel Cinematic Universe

Marvel Cinematic Universe is a North American film franchise based on the Marvel comics. In general, those films are extremely successful at the box office, and well received by audiences and critics. Since the debut of Iron Man in 2008, Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel and many others already appeared in the franchise. Despite the huge budget of each film, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most profitable franchises in the history.

Marvel Cinematic Universe movies budget

The next list presents the updated Marvel Cinematic Universe films Budget. Runtime is the duration of the movie. Budget is all the money invested in the creation of the film. Budget per Minute is found by dividing the Budget by every minute of film.

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