Berserk is a manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Miura. Set in a dark fantasy world inspired by medieval Europe, the story revolves around lonely Guts, a former mercenary, and Griffith, the leader of a band of mercenaries. Check out the related lists:
All Berserk volumes
This list shows all the volumes of the Berserk manga. Each volume features the number of pages and chapters it contains, as well as the release date.
# | Title | Release Date | Pages | Chapters |
1 | Black Swordsman Arc | November 26, 1990 | 232 | 3 |
2 | Black Swordsman Arc | February 26, 1991 | 240 | 2 |
3 | Black Swordsman Arc, Golden Age Arc | October 25, 1991 | 240 | 4 |
4 | Golden Age Arc | February 26, 1992 | 240 | 5 |
5 | Golden Age Arc | March 29, 1993 | 240 | 8 |
6 | Golden Age Arc | September 29, 1993 | 232 | 10 |
7 | Golden Age Arc | March 29, 1994 | 240 | 10 |
8 | Golden Age Arc | September 29, 1994 | 240 | 10 |
9 | Golden Age Arc | March 29, 1995 | 240 | 11 |
10 | Golden Age Arc | September 29, 1995 | 240 | 11 |
11 | Golden Age Arc | March 29, 1996 | 240 | 11 |
12 | Golden Age Arc | September 27, 1996 | 232 | 10 |
13 | Golden Age Arc | March 27, 1997 | 240 | 11 |
14 | Golden Age Arc, Conviction Arc | September 29, 1997 | 240 | 9 |
15 | Conviction Arc | January 29, 1998 | 240 | 11 |
16 | Conviction Arc | August 26, 1998 | 240 | 11 |
17 | Conviction Arc | March 29, 1999 | 240 | 11 |
18 | Conviction Arc | October 1, 1999 | 240 | 11 |
19 | Conviction Arc | March 29, 2000 | 240 | 11 |
20 | Conviction Arc | October 27, 2000 | 240 | 11 |
21 | Conviction Arc | May 29, 2001 | 248 | 11 |
22 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | December 19, 2001 | 224 | 10 |
23 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | June 28, 2002 | 216 | 10 |
24 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | December 19, 2002 | 216 | 10 |
25 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | June 27, 2003 | 232 | 10 |
26 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | December 19, 2003 | 232 | 10 |
27 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | July 29, 2004 | 232 | 10 |
28 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | February 28, 2005 | 232 | 10 |
29 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | September 29, 2005 | 224 | 10 |
30 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | March 29, 2006 | 224 | 10 |
31 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | September 29, 2006 | 224 | 10 |
32 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | November 29, 2007 | 240 | 10 |
33 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | October 24, 2008 | 244 | 10 |
34 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc | September 25, 2009 | 252 | 10 |
35 | Falcon of the Millennium Empire Arc, Fantasia Arc | September 29, 2010 | 236 | 9 |
36 | Fantasia Arc | September 23, 2011 | 228 | 9 |
37 | Fantasia Arc | March 29, 2013 | 244 | 9 |
38 | Fantasia Arc | June 24, 2016 | 212 | 9 |
39 | Fantasia Arc | June 23, 2017 | 196 | 8 |
40 | Fantasia Arc | September 28, 2018 | 180 | 7 |