List of Undertaker WrestleMania Matches

All Undertaker matches at WrestleMania

This list features details of all Undertaker matches at Wrestlemania. For each fight we present the opponent, the type of fight, the date and the result.

1-0WrestleMania VIIJimmy SnukaSingles matchMarch 24, 1991Winner
2-0WrestleMania VIIIJake RobertsSingles matchApril 5, 1992Winner
3-0WrestleMania IXGiant GonzalezSingles matchApril 4, 1993Winner
4-0WrestleMania XIKing Kong BundySingles match with special guest referee: Larry YoungApril 2, 1995Winner
5-0WrestleMania XIIDieselSingles matchMarch 31, 1996Winner
6-0WrestleMania 13Sycho SidSingles match for the WWE ChampionshipMarch 23, 1997Winner
7-0WrestleMania XIVKaneSingles matchMarch 29, 1998Winner
8-0WrestleMania XVBig Boss ManHell in a Cell matchMarch 28, 1999Winner
9-0WrestleMania X-SevenTriple HSingles matchApril 1, 2001Winner
10-0WrestleMania X8Ric FlairNo Disqualification matchMarch 17, 2002Winner
11-0WrestleMania XIXBig Show/A-TrainHandicap matchMarch 30, 2003Winner
12-0WrestleMania XXKaneSingles matchMarch 14, 2004Winner
13-0WrestleMania 21Randy OrtonSingles matchApril 3, 2005Winner
14-0WrestleMania 22Mark HenryCasket matchApril 2, 2006Winner
15-0WrestleMania 23BatistaSingles match for the World Heavyweight ChampionshipApril 1, 2007Winner
16-0WrestleMania XXIVEdgeSingles match for the World Heavyweight ChampionshipMarch 30, 2008Winner
17-0WrestleMania XXVShawn MichaelsSingles matchApril 5, 2009Winner
18-0WrestleMania XXVIShawn MichaelsNo Disqualification Streak vs. Career matchMarch 28, 2010Winner
19-0WrestleMania XXVIITriple HNo Holds Barred matchApril 3, 2011Winner
20-0WrestleMania XXVIIITriple HHell in a Cell match with special guest referee: Shawn MichaelsApril 1, 2012Winner
21-0WrestleMania 29CM PunkSingles matchApril 7, 2013Winner
21-1WrestleMania 30Brock LesnarSingles matchApril 6, 2014Defeated
22-1WrestleMania 31Bray WyattSingles matchMarch 29, 2015Winner
23-1WrestleMania 32Shane McMahonHell in a Cell matchApril 3, 2016Winner
23-2WrestleMania 33Roman ReignsSingles matchApril 2, 2017Defeated
24-2WrestleMania 34John CenaSingles matchApril 8, 2018Winner
25-2WrestleMania 36AJ StylesBoneyard matchApril 4, 2020Winner

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