Dr. Slump
Dr. Slump is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama, the same creator of Dragon Ball. It was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine from 1980 to 1984, which formed 18 volumes. The series follows the adventures of the tiny robot Arale Norimaki and its creator Senbei Norimaki from the Penguin Village. Check our Dr. Slump lists:
All episodes of the original Dr. Slump anime
This list features the 243 episodes and their respective air dates of the original Dr. Slump anime, which ran from 1981 to 1986.
# | Title | Release Date |
001 A | Arale-chan's Birth | April 8, 1981 |
001 B | Hey! Friends | April 8, 1981 |
002 A | Arale-chan Goes to School | April 15, 1981 |
002 B | It is! ...not there | April 15, 1981 |
003 A | Great Adventure with the Time Slipper | April 22, 1981 |
003 B | What's with the Egg?! | April 22, 1981 |
004 A | Huh?! Is it a Boy? Is it a Girl? | May 6, 1981 |
004 B | Gatchan the Courier | May 6, 1981 |
005 A | My Friend, Mr. Bear!! | May 13, 1981 |
005 B | New Invention! The Big-Small Ray Gun | May 13, 1981 |
006 A | The Teacher is Coming! | May 20, 1981 |
006 B | Arale is Kidnapped! | May 20, 1981 |
007 | Arale-chan Charge | May 27, 1981 |
008 | The Story of Donbe | June 3, 1981 |
009 | The Great Strawberry Panties Caper | June 10, 1981 |
010 | Aah! Earth SOS!! | June 17, 1981 |
011 A | Hip Hip Children | June 24, 1981 |
011 B | Scary Scary Policewoman | June 24, 1981 |
012 A | Transform Ponpoko Gun | July 1, 1981 |
012 B | Arale Flies in the Sky! | July 1, 1981 |
013 | The Terrifying Good Girl | July 8, 1981 |
014 | Our Hero Suppaman | July 15, 1981 |
015 A | Arale's Errand | July 22, 1981 |
015 B | Yay Yay Wildland | July 22, 1981 |
016 A | Living for Tomorrow! | July 29, 1981 |
016 B | Arale is Akane!? | July 29, 1981 |
017 | Fear the Monster's Night | August 5, 1981 |
018 A | The Fairy Tale Machine | August 12, 1981 |
018 B | Shiverman the Hitman | August 12, 1981 |
019 | Arale Swims in the Ancient Past | August 19, 1981 |
020 | Kinoko on the Loose | August 26, 1981 |
021 | The Great Space Date Adventure | September 2, 1981 |
022 | Dumbfounded Senbei | September 9, 1981 |
023 A | Arale's Hoyoyo Date | September 16, 1981 |
023 B | Bye-Bye Super Power | September 16, 1981 |
024 | Arale's Big Change!! | September 30, 1981 |
025 | The Exchange Student from Metropolis Island | October 14, 1981 |
026 | The Great Arale-Eye Caper!! | October 21, 1981 |
027 | Yay! A New Friend | October 28, 1981 |
028 | Goodbye, Gatchan!! | November 4, 1981 |
029 | How Adorable! The Lovely Middle-aged Trio | November 11, 1981 |
030 | A Pounding Heart! Peasuke's First Love | November 18, 1981 |
031 | The Araletouchables | November 25, 1981 |
032 | Arale's Lullaby Dream | December 2, 1981 |
033 | A Masterpiece!? Little Cat Riding Hood | December 9, 1981 |
034 | Chivil, Hell's Messenger | December 16, 1981 |
035 | Sad Sad Santa | December 23, 1981 |
036 | Messed-up Devil Girl | December 30, 1981 |
037 | Arale's Musical, Cinderella | January 6, 1982 |
038 | The Mysterious Dr. Monster?! | January 13, 1982 |
039 | Showdown! Musashi vs. Arale | January 20, 1982 |
040 | Our Hero Suppaman Part II | January 27, 1982 |
041 A | The Reality Machine | February 3, 1982 |
041 B | Bikers at Dawn | February 3, 1982 |
042 | Parzan, King of the Jungle | February 10, 1982 |
043 | Whoa?! Penguin Village Dom-Dom-Dom | February 17, 1982 |
044 | Arale Goes to Metropolis Island | February 24, 1982 |
045 | The Devilish Transformation | March 3, 1982 |
046 | From Penguin Village with Love | March 10, 1982 |
047 | Caveman Hoyoyo in the Dinosaur Age | March 17, 1982 |
048 | Chivil's Work | March 24, 1982 |
049 | Leave it to Akiko | March 31, 1982 |
050 | Yay! A Date for Mr. Copy | April 7, 1982 |
051 | Thanks! The Kick The Can Celebration Party | April 14, 1982 |
052 | Arale's Thief Hoyoyo Gang | April 21, 1982 |
053 | Anko and Nonko Discover the Countryside | April 28, 1982 |
054 | The Children's Day Festival Poke Poke Huff Puff | May 5, 1982 |
055 | Super Driver | May 12, 1982 |
056 | Am I Wicked Strong?! | May 19, 1982 |
057 | The Miniature House of Our Dreams | May 26, 1982 |
058 | Arale's Thief Hoyoyo Gang Part II | June 2, 1982 |
059 | The Super Exciting Time Stop | June 9, 1982 |
060 | Suppaman In Danger | June 16, 1982 |
061 | Exploration! Mammoth Midori | June 23, 1982 |
062 | Scaary! Monster Prince | June 30, 1982 |
063 | Arale's New Star Festival Story | July 7, 1982 |
064 | Goo Goo Ga Ga Senbei | July 14, 1982 |
065 | The Twinkling Night Sky Drum and Fife Band | July 21, 1982 |
066 | We're No Angels | July 28, 1982 |
067 | A Romance Fairy Tale!! Tricycle Stories | August 4, 1982 |
068 | The Great Combot Caper of 2013 | August 11, 1982 |
069 | The Invader from Space | August 18, 1982 |
070 | Arale's Arabian Nights | August 25, 1982 |
071 | Dr. Mashirito's Ambition | September 1, 1982 |
072 | Dr. Mashirito's Ambition Part II | September 8, 1982 |
073 | Penguin Village Wars | September 15, 1982 |
074 | Penguin Village Wars Part II | September 22, 1982 |
075 | Arale's Lost Item | September 29, 1982 |
076 | Tale of the Penguin Village of Eight Gravestones | October 6, 1982 |
077 | Suppaman of Justice VS Senbei of Love | October 13, 1982 |
078 | Happy Date in Mystery Land | October 20, 1982 |
079 | Energetic Arale | October 27, 1982 |
080 | Penguin Village Grand Prix | November 3, 1982 |
081 | Penguin Village Grand Prix Part II | November 10, 1982 |
082 | Penguin Village Grand Prix Part III | November 17, 1982 |
083 | Penguin Village Mystery | November 24, 1982 |
084 | Big Head Cometh | December 1, 1982 |
085 | The Terrifying Vegetable Men | December 8, 1982 |
086 | The Secret of Arale's Birth | December 15, 1982 |
087 | Arale the Super Prize Girl | December 22, 1982 |
088 | The Tale of the Red Sandal Strings | December 29, 1982 |
089 | Here Comes the Tsuns | January 5, 1983 |
090 | How Exciting! School Panic | January 12, 1983 |
091 | Look, Look, the Lensmen | January 19, 1983 |
092 | Shooting Star, Wishing Star | January 26, 1983 |
093 | Luck In, Evil Out in Space | February 2, 1983 |
094 | The Angel Lives! | February 2, 1983 |
095 | Nikochan Flies | February 16, 1983 |
096 | Ghost Date | February 23, 1983 |
097 | Love is a Punch to the Heart | March 2, 1983 |
098 | Farewell, Tsuns | March 9, 1983 |
099 | Mr. Skop Awakes | March 16, 1983 |
100 | Official Business! The Space Gumshoe Story | March 23, 1983 |
101 | The Secret of Castle Mashirito | March 30, 1983 |
102 | Adventure, Adventure, Great Adventure!! | April 6, 1983 |
103 | The Thief who Loved Books | April 13, 1983 |
104 | Ai-yay-yay Arale's Field Trip | April 20, 1983 |
105 | The Three Suppamen | April 27, 1983 |
106 | The Yellow Carp Banner of Happiness | May 4, 1983 |
107 | The Kon-Kon Morph Helmet | May 11, 1983 |
108 | Welcome, Gangsters | May 18, 1983 |
109 | Continue! We are the Suppamen | May 25, 1983 |
110 | Chivil and the Devil's Dictionary | June 1, 1983 |
111 | Kinoko, Teacher for a Day | June 8, 1983 |
112 | Four Angry Rogues | June 15, 1983 |
113 | Love Excursion SOS!! | June 22, 1983 |
114 | Arale's Diary | June 29, 1983 |
115 | The Demon of Penguin Village | July 6, 1983 |
116 | Super Baseball | July 13, 1983 |
117 | Farewell, King Nikochan | July 20, 1983 |
118 | Showdown in Space! Arale VS Komattachan | July 27, 1983 |
119 | Runabout Youth | August 3, 1983 |
120 | The Desicion! The Penguin Village Champion | August 10, 1983 |
121 | The Beauty who Disappeared in the Mystery Mist | August 17, 1983 |
122 | Lovable Combots | August 24, 1983 |
123 | I Did it! The Great Proposal Plan | August 31, 1983 |
124 | Marriage! Marriage!! The Doctor and the Teacher | September 7, 1983 |
125 | A Honeymoon of Flying Love | September 14, 1983 |
126 | Exciting Newlywed Life | September 21, 1983 |
127 | Arale Watch Out! The Strongest Rival Appears | September 28, 1983 |
128 | Torn Between Justice and Love | October 5, 1983 |
129 | Finally Appears! Hit Man Senbei | October 12, 1983 |
130 | I'm Obotchaman | October 19, 1983 |
131 | Hurry! Telepathy of Love | October 26, 1983 |
132 | Heart Pounding Tonight | November 2, 1983 |
133 | There is a Placement Test | November 9, 1983 |
134 | Gatchan Gatchan | November 23, 1983 |
135 | Yay! Crunch Crunch | November 30, 1983 |
136 | Suppaman's Brother Appears! | December 7, 1983 |
137 | Nab that Crook! | December 14, 1983 |
138 | Painful Christmas Day | December 21, 1983 |
139 | To Wonderland - Taro Suppaman! | December 28, 1983 |
140 | Go For It Arale! Earth's Greatest Crisis!! | January 11, 1984 |
141 | Mashirito Achieves His Goal?! | January 18, 1984 |
142 | Coalescence is Bad! | January 25, 1984 |
143 | Senbei Died?! | February 1, 1984 |
144 | Pupupu! Go to the Sky! | February 8, 1984 |
145 | Donbe's Love Story | February 15, 1984 |
146 | Burn! Suppaman | February 22, 1984 |
147 | Our Journey Together | February 29, 1984 |
148 | Gatchan You're Great!! | March 7, 1984 |
149 | We'll Answer All Your Questions Special | March 14, 1984 |
150 | Shape Up Miss Midori | March 21, 1984 |
151 | Turbo-kun is Born!! | March 28, 1984 |
152 | Father is an Alien?! | April 4, 1984 |
153 | A Horrific Game of Tag | April 11, 1984 |
154 | Straight Ahead! Turbo-kun | April 18, 1984 |
155 | Showdown! US-Japan Baseball Tournament | April 25, 1984 |
156 | US-Japan Baseball Tournament Part II | May 2, 1984 |
157 | This is a Dream!! | May 9, 1984 |
158 | The Coveted Restaurant | May 16, 1984 |
159 | Excuse Me, it's Midnight | May 23, 1984 |
160 | The Horror of the Human Fly | May 30, 1984 |
161 | N'cha! Great King Enma | June 6, 1984 |
162 | The Christmas Lie | June 13, 1984 |
163 | Who is the World's Number One!! | June 20, 1984 |
164 | Winner! Winner! The Best in the World!! | June 27, 1984 |
165 | Uncle Tiger-Eight's Java Sparrows | July 4, 1984 |
166 | Gatchan's Identity!! | July 18, 1984 |
167 | God is Very Angry!! | July 25, 1984 |
168 | Do your best, Tanuki-kun! | August 1, 1984 |
169 | It's Been a While Since My Last Great Invention!! | August 15, 1984 |
170 | Old Lady Spring's Great Yokai War!? | August 22, 1984 |
171 | Ruckus of Revenge! | August 29, 1984 |
172 | Big Laughs on Ghost Island | September 5, 1984 |
173 | News Reporter Suppaman's Great Exploit | September 12, 1984 |
174 | The Mysterious Flying Object | September 19, 1984 |
175 | The Adventures of Youth | September 26, 1984 |
176 | The Adventures of Youth Concluded | October 3, 1984 |
177 | Sorry it's Been Such a Long Time, Niko-chan | October 10, 1984 |
178 | Peasuke: Love's Big Adventure | October 17, 1984 |
179 | Recklessly Becoming High School Seniors | October 24, 1984 |
180 | Arale's Driver License | October 31, 1984 |
181 | Faster! Autobike Boy | November 14, 1984 |
182 | Wagering Love on the Asphalt! | November 21, 1984 |
183 | I'm the No. 1 Policeman | November 28, 1984 |
184 | Arale VS Charmy Yamada | December 5, 1984 |
185 | Goodbye!! Arale-san | December 12, 1984 |
186 | A Star has Arrived!! | December 19, 1984 |
187 | Even Better! Superman Suppaman | January 9, 1985 |
188 | Vault of the Legendary Pumpkin | January 16, 1985 |
189 | Oh! My Safe-chan | January 23, 1985 |
190 | I Did It! The One Million Yen Quiz | January 30, 1985 |
191 | Penguin Village Murder Mystery | February 6, 1985 |
192 | Dreaming of the Penguin Village Grand Prix | February 13, 1985 |
193 | Run! Hurry! Move Quickly!! | February 20, 1985 |
194 | It's Been Decided! Penguin Village's New Mayor | February 27, 1985 |
195 | Verifying Love in Our Future | March 6, 1985 |
196 | Let's Check Out 10 Years From Now Once More | March 13, 1985 |
197 | Arale: Super Pianist | March 20, 1985 |
198 | Secret Intelligence Bureau | March 27, 1985 |
199 | Secret Intelligence Bureau Concluded | April 3, 1985 |
200 | It's Been a Long Time! Akiko-san Returns | April 10, 1985 |
201 | Arale's Japanese Folk Tales | April 17, 1985 |
202 | Everyone and Everyone's Friends | April 24, 1985 |
203 | A Secret Mission of First Love | May 1, 1985 |
204 | Silly Love Panic | May 8, 1985 |
205 | Nekomimi-san's Happiness | May 15, 1985 |
206 | Collision! Comet Alley | May 22, 1985 |
207 | Fear of Being Unsophisticated | May 29, 1985 |
208 | Komatta-chan Strikes Back | June 5, 1985 |
209 | Arale-san! Marry Me | June 12, 1985 |
210 | Senbei: Senbei | June 19, 1985 |
211 | Fight!! Kin'enman | June 26, 1985 |
212 | Making Peace with Cupid Robo | July 3, 1985 |
213 | Dr. Brain's Great Hoyoyo Battle | July 10, 1985 |
214 | Thanks! Suppaman | July 17, 1985 |
215 | Silent Love | July 24, 1985 |
216 | The Mayor's Coming | July 31, 1985 |
217 | Lullaby of Suppaman | August 7, 1985 |
218 | The Miracle Grilled Fish Meal | August 14, 1985 |
219 | Invitation to Another Dimension | August 21, 1985 |
220 | The Thunder God Falls to Earth | August 28, 1985 |
221 | Sparta Wars | September 4, 1985 |
222 | Go for it! Mr. Pro Wrestler | September 11, 1985 |
223 | Has the Sun Run Away from Home!? | September 18, 1985 |
224 | Exciting Tea Room | September 25, 1985 |
225 | We Don't Need these Cats!! | October 2, 1985 |
226 | Dream Machine of Terror | October 9, 1985 |
227 | Arale VS Metropolis Island | October 16, 1985 |
228 | Disruptive Toys | October 23, 1985 |
229 | Arale's Airport '85 | October 30, 1985 |
230 | Arale's Food Substitution Battle | November 6, 1985 |
231 | Yay! Fairy Tale Land!! | November 20, 1985 |
232 | The Norimaki's Quiet Evening | November 27, 1985 |
233 | Revealed!! Earth's Secret | December 4, 1985 |
234 | Hoyoyo!! Earth Falls Apart | December 11, 1985 |
235 | An Important Announcement!! | December 18, 1985 |
236 | The Horror of Black Santa!! | December 25, 1985 |
237 | Audition Day!! We're All Set | January 8, 1986 |
238 | Clash! Main Character Title Match | January 15, 1986 |
239 | The Girlfriend Who Fell From the Sky | January 22, 1986 |
240 | Goodbye Arale-chan as Penguin Village Disappears | January 29, 1986 |
241 | Goodbye Arale-chan Who Loved Making Friends | February 5, 1986 |
242 | Goodbye Arale-chan with Dread! The Exciting Bargain Sale | February 12, 1986 |
243 | Goodbye Arale-chan, Bye-Cha! See You Later! | February 19, 1986 |